EIA August Monthly Energy Report – Published on September 1, 2024

The EIA Monthly  Energy Review is long and does not change much from month to month since a lot of the information is historical.  Here I present the graphics from just the first three chapters. It is enough to see that coal is being phased out, electricity is increasingly important and our incorporation of alternative sources of energy is slow.  I  may provide more information in a future article but this should be enough for people to decide if they want more detail on the rest of the report.

At the end of the article, I provided a link to the full Monthly Review. The EIA Monthly Energy Review is separate from its annual reporting on crude oil and natural gas reserves. My prior article on their estimates of reserves can be accessed HERE.  I think that reserves are only updated once a year.

Some will need to click on “Read More”  to access the rest of this article.

 We do not have a trade imbalance in energy.  Our imports and exports cancel each other out. Consumption is fairly flat.

Natural gas and crude production are up and coal is down  (this does not show metallurgical coal).

Natural gas has replaced coal in electricity generation.

Energy cost has declined. But the cost of electricity has stopped declining due to government policy.

Energy is a reducing component of the economy due to efficiency improvement and the growing importance of services.

Electricity is becoming increasingly important.



HERE is the PDF  version of the report.

 I hope you found this article interesting and useful.


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