Looking Back at the weather for the full Year of 2023 in the U.S. Posted January 10, 2024

Most of the information in this report comes from the monthly email I receive from John Bateman. He does public outreach for NOAA and in particular NCEI. I could find the same information and more on the NCEI website but John produces a good summary so I use it or most of it. I also sometimes add additional information from NCEI or other NOAA websites. John Bateman sends me two emails. One on the World situation and one for the U.S.

I probably should have addressed the single month of December before the full year of 2023 but I received this email today so I thought I would write the article tonight for Wednesday viewing.

This article is about the full year of 2023 in the U.S.

This is the U.S. Annual temperature trend. 2023 was by no means a record but it was above the trend line. +0.16F a decade is a fairly steep slope.   You can see some cyclical characteristics in the data but the trend is clear. If I calculated the trend since 1970, the slope would be quite a bit steeper.

Now I will present the information provided by John Bateman with perhaps three additional graphics. Some readers may need to click on “Read More” to access the full article. It is how the Home Page can display the introduction to many articles.


Now let us take a look at the state temperature rankings which is where the data for each state fits within the 129 years of data in this series. John Bateman included the state ranking for precipitation above.

Temperature records were broken in four states in 2023.  And many states had much above-normal average temperatures.


When you look at the maximum temperatures the picture is a bit cooler and a bit different. Three states set records in terms of the maximum daily temperatures.

Minimum temperatures were similar to the average temperatures. Maine broke a record for the warmest minimum daily temperatures. This usually means the humidity was high and high daily temperatures were slow to decline at night. Breaking records for the full year of 2023 is significant.

Useful references include:

Climate at a Glance which can be accessed HERE

NCEI Monthly Report which can be accessed HERE  The annual version of this report will be issued on January 12, 2024

 I hope you found this article interesting and useful.


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