Weekly Crop Report May 7, 2023 – It looks like a good start but it is very early in season so too early to draw conclusions.

This article is based primarily on the May 2, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the April  24 – 30 period of time. The USDA report becomes available on Tuesdays but I plan to publish my article on Saturdays as it will be featured all day on Saturday. I may later decide to publish this report on Tuesday nights.  This week I was one day late because I was busy publishing the Colorado Basin report (which you can access HERE) so I apologize. I might add additional information. For those who need the information as soon as possible, the links to the information are provided at the end of the article.

It is early in the season so we are just beginning to have information on most crops. Moisture is not the major issue but some areas have to get a bit warmer.

We start with the National Agriculture Summary.

Below is pretty much the same information in table format. However, there is additional information in these tables.

It is early but rice and soybeans are ahead, the others are too soon to tell. Corn does look a little better than last year.

It is early but barley and Spring wheat are slow. Winter wheat is fine.

It is very early for peanuts. Sugar beets may be weather impacted.

Weather Conditions

The minimum temperatures and the cold anomalies are what is of most interest this time of the year.  The above four graphics show different things so paying attention to the title of the graphic is important. The second graphic shows the anomalies. The bottom graphic might be the most important one right now in terms of losses to overnight frosts.

Some additional information



The Northern Tier needs to warm up a bit.  Excess precipitation may be a problem in the Gulf States.

NASS Report of the Week – Dairy Products- Full report can be accessed HERE.


No map this week so read the text commentary.

Northwestern Africa seems to be the one area where weather has been very unfavorable.

Sources of Information

Weekly Updates can be found HERE   

and perhaps more directly HERE

Additional Useful Sources of Information

WASDE: World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates HERE

NASS Report Schedule HERE

Executive Briefings HERE

Economics and Prices HERE

 I hope you found this article interesting and useful.


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